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Derakane Momentum 510 C-350
Epoxy Vinyl Ester Resin
DERAKANE MOMENTUM 510 C-350 HOI is a brominated epoxy vinyl ester resin that offers a high degree of fire retardance(1) while providing excellent chemical resistance and toughness.Optimum fire retardance is achieved when antimony compounds are added to the resin.
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Product Detail

DERAKANE MOMENTUM 510 C-350 HOI is a brominated epoxy vinyl ester resin that offers a high degree of fire retardance(1) while providing excellent chemical resistance and toughness.

Optimum fire retardance is achieved when antimony compounds are added to the resin.

DERAKANE MOMENTUM resins are a new generation of resins that can be used to improve fabrication efficiency and product quality. Their lighter color makes defects easier to see and correct while the resin is still workable. The resin's improved reactivity properties often permit an increase in lay-up thickness wet on wet. The superior stability also provides additional storage and handling flexibility for the fabricator.

DERAKANE MOMENTUM 510C-350 HOI resin contains only 35 weight % styrene, resulting in reduced styrene emissions.Equipment fabricated with DERAKANE MOMENTUM 510C -350 HOI resin offer excellent corrosion resistance to a wide range of acids, alkalis, bleaches and organic compounds and retains its strength, heat and chemical resistant properties when exposed to hot gases and flamable liquids (please contact us before using thixotropic agents and fillers. Addition of thixotropic agents and fillers can compromise corrosion resistance).

(1) The fire retardancy and flame spread data were obtained from controlled and/or small scalebench tests and the results apply specifically to the specimens tested, in the manner tested. Theyare not necessarily perdictive of product performance in a real fire situation. DERAKANE resins areorganic materials and the fabricated products constructed from them will burn under the rightconditions of heat and oxygen supply. This numerical flame spread rating is not intended to reflecthazards presented by this or any other material under actual fire conditions.

Note: Contact us before using thixotropic agents and fillers. Addition of thixotropic agents andfillers can compromise corrosion resistance.

Property(2) at 25°C / 77FValueUnit
Dynamic viscosity420mPas
Kinematic viscosity370cSt
Styrene content35%

(2) Properties are typical values, based on material tested in our laboratories. Results may vary from sample to sample. Typical values should not be construed as a guaranteed analysis of any specific lot or as specification items.

The following table provides typical geltimes for MEKP. These and other information are available at


DERAKANE MOMENTUM 510C-350 HOI resin is designed for ease of fabrication using hand lay-up,spray-up, filament winding, compression molding, resin transfer molding and pultrusion techniques. This resin is used extensively in FRP duct work, stacks and stack-liner applications. It is also suitable for equipment handling mixtures of air and hot gases, building panels and flooring compounds where a degree of ignition inhibiting properties are needed. DERAKANE MOMENTUM 510C-350 HOI resin resists mechanical and chemical damage enabling use in various caustic environments such as sodium hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide and alkaline hydrogen peroxide.


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