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  • E51

    Model: E51

    ● CAS No.: 61788-97-4 ● Formula: (C11H12O3)N ● EINECS: 500-033-5 ● Molecular Principal Chain: Carbon Chain Polymer ● Color: Clear Liquid ● Appearance: Clear Liquid, No Visible Mechanical Impurity

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  • EPOXY WSR 618( E51)

    Model: E51

    Epoxy resin

    EPOXY WSR 618( E51)  is a liquid resin manufactured from bisphenol-A and epichlorohydin. It is recognized as a standard from which many variations have been developed .A wide variety of curing agents is available to cure liquid epoxy resins at ambient conditions. The most frequently used are aliphatic polyamines, polyamides, amidoamines, cycloaliphatic amines and modified versions of these curing agents.

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  • E51 Clear Epoxy Resin

    Model: E51

    ● CAS No.: 61788-97-4 ● Formula: (C11H12O3)N ● EINECS: 500-033-5 ● Molecular Principal Chain: Carbon Chain Polymer ● Color: Clear Liquid ● Appearance: Clear Liquid, No Visible Mechanical Impurity

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  • BE-188

    Model: BE-188

    Epoxy resin

    BE-188 is widely used standard liquid epoxy resin. When applied to solvent-based coating, linings, industrial flooring, cast moulding(grouting) or concrete, it shows excellent physical strength, tenacity, adhesion, chemical resistance and low shrinkage. Besides it can be applied to utensil, can sealer, adhesive, intertwining, laminating.

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  • BE-501

    Model: BE-501

    Epoxy resin

    Bisphenol a type solid epoxy resins

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  • SM 601(E-20)

    Model: SM 601

    Bisphenol A Epoxy resin

    This epoxy resin is mainly made of epochlorohydrane and bisphenol A, and is produced by controlling the conditions in the production process. It has high bonding strength, good toughness, widely used in anticorrosive coating, electrophoretic coating, powder coating, baking tank coating, rolling steel coating, printing iron coating, etc.

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  • SM 6101 (E-44)

    Model: SM 6101

    Bisphenol A Epoxy resin

    Liquid epoxy resin, mainly by epichlorohydrin and bisphenol A two substances synthesis, through the control of the conditions in the production process, and generated by liquid products. Its viscosity is moderate, the largest amount, widely used in coatings, adhesives and so on.

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  • Additive OF

    Model: Additive OF

    Stabilizer additive / Moisture scavenger

    Stabilizer additive / Moisture scavenger for solvent-based polyurethane coatings, 100% Active

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  • Derakane Momentum™ 411-350

    Model: Derakane Momentum™ 411-350

    Epoxy Vinyl Ester Resin

    DERAKANE 411-350 epoxy vinyl ester resin is based on bisphenol-A epoxy resin and has become the"industry standard" due to its wide range of end-use applications and ability to be used in a wide range of fabrication techniques.

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  • JS-E6DR24-2400-386T

    Model: JS-E6DR24-2400-386T

    Direct Roving

    JS-E6DR24-2400-386T Direct Roving is coated with a silane-based sizing compatible with unsaturated polyester, vinyl ester and epoxy resins and designed for filament winding, pultrusion and weaving applications.   JS-E6DR24-2400-386T is suitable for use in pipes, pressure vessels, gratings, profiles, boats, and chemical storage tanks.

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  • JS-E6DR17-1200-386H

    Model: JS-E6DR17-1200-386H

    Direct Roving

    JS-E6DR17-1200-386H Direct Roving is coated with a silane-based sizing. It is compatible with unsaturated polyester,vinyl ester,and epoxy resins.It is designed for filament winding,pultrusion,and weaving applications. JS-E6DR17-1200-386H is suitable for use in pipes, pressure vessels, gratings and profiles, boats and chemical storage tanks.

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  • JS-E6DR24-4800-386H

    Model: JS-E6DR24-4800-386H

    Direct Roving for General Purpose

    JS-E6DR24-4800-386H Direct Roving is coated with a silane-based sizing. It is compatible with unsaturated polyester,vinyl ester,and epoxy resins.It is designed for filament inding,pultrusion,and weaving applications. JS-E6DR24-4800-386H is suitable for use in pipes, pressure vessels, gratings and profiles, boats and chemical storage tanks.

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  • JS-ED15-4800-440

    Model: JS-ED15-4800-440

    Assembled Roving for SMC

    JS-ED15-4800-440 is a general purpose SMC roving coated with a silane-based sizing compatible with unsaturated polyester and vinyl ester resins. JS-ED15-4800-440 is suitable for use in producing low and ultra-low shrinkage sheets to be incorporated typically in automotive parts, door skins, water tanks and electrical components.

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  • JS-EDR14-2000-988A

    Model: JS-EDR14-2000-988A

    Roving for Thermoplastics

    JS-EDR14-2000-988A Roving for Thermoplastics is an ideal einforcement for thermoplastics. It is coated with a silane-based sizing compatible with multiple resin systems. JS-EDR14-2000-988A is typically designed for the twin screw extrusion process to manufacture thermoplastic pellets/granulates. Key applications include automotive parts, electrical electronics, mechanical tools, chemical corrosion resistance and sports goods.

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  • JS-ER12-2400-528S

    Model: JS-ER12-2400-528S

    Assembled Roving for Transparent Panels

    JS-ER12-2400-528S Assembled Roving is specifically designed for transparent panels as well as the mats for such panels. It is coated with a silane-based sizing compatible with unsaturated polyester. JS-ER12-2400-528S delivers light weight, high strength and high impact resistance to the resulting panels. The panels also show no white (unsized) strands and have a high degree of transparency.

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  • JS-ER13-2400-180

    Model: JS-ER13-2400-180

    Assembled Roving for Spray-up

    JS-ER13-2400-180 Assembled Roving for Spray-up is coated with a silane-based sizing, compatible with unsaturated polyester, vinyl ester and polyurethane resins. JS-ER13-2400-180 is a versatile general purpose spray-up roving used to manufacture boats, yachts, sanitary wares, swimming pool and automotive parts and also pipe by centrifugal casting process.

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  • JS-EWR400E(E)-100

    Model: JS-EWR400E(E)-100

    Woven Rovings

    JS-EWR400E(E)-100 Woven Rovings are compatible with UP,VE,EP and PF resins.Woven Rovings are a weight range of 260g/m² ~ 1,600 g/m² and available with a width range of 50mm ~ 3,000mm. Our products have both plain and twill weaves..Other specifications are also available on customer request.

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  • JS-EWR600E(U)-100

    Model: JS-EWR600E(U)-100

    Woven Rovings

    JS-EWR600E(U)-100 Woven Rovings are compatible with UP,VE,EP and PF resins.Woven Rovings are a weight range of 260g/m² ~ 1,600 g/m² and available with a width range of 50mm ~ 3,000mm. Our products have both plain and twill weaves..Other specifications are also available on customer request.

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  • JS-EWR800A(U)-100

    Model: JS-EWR800A(U)-100

    Woven Rovings

    JS-EWR800A(U)-100 Woven Rovings are compatible with UP,VE,EP and PF resins.Woven Rovings are a weight range of 260g/m² ~ 1,600 g/m² and available with a width range of 50mm ~ 3,000mm. Our products have both plain and twill weaves..Other specifications are also available on customer request.

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  • JS-EMC300-1040

    Model: JS-EMC300-1040

    Emulsion Chopped Strand Mat

    JS-EMC300-1040 Emulsion Chopped Strand Mat is made of E-glass chopped strands, randomly and evenly distributed and held together by an emulsion binder.JS-EMC300-1040  is compatible with unsaturated polyester and vinyl ester resins. JS-EMC300-1040  is designed for use in hand lay-up, filament winding, compression molding and continuous laminating processes. Its end-use applications include ships and boats, bath equipment, automotive parts, chemical corrosion resistant pipes, tanks, cooling towers and building components.

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