Nan Ya Plastics Corporation was founded in 1958. The four main product categories of the company are plastics processing, plastic materials, electronics materials and polyester product. Nan Ya Plastics Corporation believes, based on public information released by its competitors, that it 's the world's largest manufacturer of secondary plastics in terms of production capacity. It's also a leading manufacturer of polyester fibers and copper clad laminates of the electronic materials in the world.
ProductManufacturer TypeCommon Application
NPEL-127NANYALiquid bisphenol-A epoxy resinLaminate, filament winding, sealing materials, electronic engineering, mold processing, coatings, adhesives.
NPEL-127ENANYALiquid bisphenol-A epoxy resinLaminate, filament winding, sealing materials, electronic engineering, mold processing, coatings, adhesives.
NPEL-128NANYALiquid bisphenol-A epoxy resinLaminate, filament winding, sealing materials, electronic engineering, mold processing, coatings, adhesives.
NPES 901NANYASolid bisphenol-A epoxy resinAnticorrosive coating and laminated board.
NPSN 901X75NANYASolvent type epoxy resinsSuitable for anti-corrosion coating.
NPEB-400NANYABrominated bisphenol A epoxy resinBase plate and molding compound, and can provide good operating characteristics and fire resistance. It can also be applied to the surface coating of flame resistance.
NPPN-638NANYAPhenolic epoxy resinLaminate, composite materials, etc.
NPPN-638SNANYAPhenolic epoxy resinLaminate, composite materials, etc.
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