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Application of vinyl resins in the field of corrosion protection
 May 16, 2023|View:287

It is well known that vinyl resins are widely used, such as in the construction industry can see its application everywhere. Due to the use of vinyl resin is better, in recent years, vinyl resin is gradually used in a variety of anti-corrosion engineering, so in the field of anti-corrosion has been deeply loved by the majority of consumers.


Why do we use vinyl resins in the field of corrosion protection? For example, the high-temperature flue gas produced by boiler combustion contains sulfur dioxide (SO2). After the high-temperature flue gas dust removal, it enters the bottom of the desulfurization tower along the pipe, and the thin lye enters the desulfurization tower from the top. The heat transfer and mass transfer process between the two phases of the gas and liquid occurs in the tower plate, and the sulfur dioxide is removed. High temperature flue gas and dilute lye contact moment, will form concentrated sulfuric acid and sulfite droplets, wet, low temperature (60~80℃) sulfur dioxide has strong oxidation, steel, concrete with strong corrosion damage effect! In the flue gas desulfurization environment, one of the inner wall anticorrosion technology of steel structure desulfurization system such as desulfurization tower and low temperature flue is to use vinyl ester resin mixed with glass phosphorus sheet to scrape on the inner wall surface to form the thickness and density of the anticorrosion structure layer to meet the requirements.


With the widespread use of vinyl resin, more and more manufacturers are producing vinyl resin, but because of the different production technology, the production of vinyl resin in the use of different effects. But in general, it is recommended that users choose to buy vinyl resin as far as possible to choose deadly old manufacturers to buy, because the relative process maturity is good, the quality is relatively guaranteed! But no matter which vinyl ester resin to buy, must be clear with the manufacturer about their use, in order to choose the right model, twice the result with half the effort! At present, the State Supervision Bureau of large manufacturers supervision is also relatively strict, relatively qualified manufacturers can produce, the product will not have a problem.

Myriad Chemicals is a chemical enterprise specializing in the production and sales of various types of epoxy resin, vinyl resin and other unsaturated resins. Excellent quality vinyl resin, not only price concessions, and advanced production technology, the current business covers the provinces of the country, but also exported to foreign countries, quality assured, welcome to order!



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