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Chemical industry peroxide common what?
 May 16, 2023|View:302

Evergreen Chemicals Co., Ltd. is a major manufacturer of resin, glass fiber, peroxide, organic peroxide, DTBP, TBPB, BPO, TBPO and other products. The additive products mainly include polymerization initiators and catalysts that can be used to synthesize resins. In the field of polymer materials, Organic peroxide can be used as initiator, crosslinking agent, curing agent and regulator, as well as flame retardant, polish, release agent, defoamer and other additives, now peroxide can be used in many fields. The following small series for several commonly used peroxide to explain in detail its use characteristics!


1. Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (MEKP) : Used together with cobalt accelerator, curing unsaturated polyester resin at room temperature or high temperature. Trigonox V388 is one of the most used hardeners, with a cobalt accelerator curing system designed for general purpose GRP- and non-GRP - developed laminate resin and casting resin curing applications. Years of practical experience have demonstrated that for Marine applications, a special MEKP with low water content and no polar compounds is needed to prevent penetration and other problems. For ship manufacturing, mekp with low water content and stable performance is needed, and Trigonox V388 curing agent is the most suitable and preferred curing resin raw material. This kind of peroxide can not be directly exposed to the sun, impact, etc., because these will make it happen fire, explosion and other dangers, if accidentally happened fire or explosion, we must use can fire even fire extinguishing remediation.

2. Peracetic acid:Peracetic acid is produced by the reaction of acetic acid and hydrogen oxide in the presence of sulfuric acid. It is a colorless and strong-smelling liquid, and unstable. As long as the temperature is slightly higher, it will decompose hydrogen and explode. Generally, pure acetic acid will explode at -20℃. If the concentration is greater than 45%, it will be explosive, so we should avoid contact with high temperature or reducing agents, so as to avoid dangerous situations.

3. Dibenzoyl peroxide:Dibenzoyl peroxide is a commonly used catalyst. A powdered, 50% free flowing 50% peroxide formulation containing dicyclohexyl phthalate, dispersed in pure unsaturated polyester quickly dissolved and (methyl) acrylic resin, one of the organic peroxides. At temperatures up to 80°C, it should be used in combination with aromatic tertiary amine accelerators for better curing. Acceleration products are not required at temperatures above 80°C. With strong oxidation and flammable characteristics, it is very easy to explode after heat, so we must be careful to use.

Our company has more peroxide products, a wide variety, complete specifications, export experience, warehouse spot, as a one-stop composite material supplier, is committed to providing customers with a variety of composite material problem solutions, welcome to consult and order!



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