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Evergreen Chemical Office Building Commences!
 Jul 25, 2023|View:263

Good luck starting work! On the morning of July 25, 2023, a grand opening ceremony was held for the headquarters office building of Evergreen Chemical located in Changzhou Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Park in Liandong U Valley. After 20 years of accumulation and thin development, innovation and development are at the right time. The opening of the new office building demonstrates that Evergreen Chemical has once again taken its strength to a new level and opened a new chapter in the company's development process.

Evergreen Chemical Office Building Commences!

Vice General Manager Zhu said, "The entry of Evergreen Chemical into Changzhou International Enterprise Port this time is a high recognition of our company by regional leaders, which gives us more confidence in our future development. The next step is to complete our enterprise construction goals with high quality as soon as possible and further focus on leveraging our advantages."

Speed is attitude! The new location and new atmosphere demonstrate the determination and confidence of all young people to work hard. Since the establishment of the company, everything has been flourishing in a new direction. From continuous innovation of new products to the relocation of new buildings, we have been embracing change and advancing with the times. This not only enhances the happiness of employees, but also injects strong momentum into the company's development. After the completion of the headquarters, it is a center that integrates sales, finance, research and development, and order processing. At the same time, it has top-level exhibition halls for AOC, Nouryon, and Hangao brands, providing a good platform for customers to quickly find suitable products and improve production efficiency and quality.

Evergreen Chemical Office Building Commences!

Strive to create new heights and expand and strengthen advantageous areas. At present, Evergreen Chemical has formed four characteristic industries: resin (epoxy resin, vinyl resin, unsaturated resin), glass fiber (cloth, yarn, felt), additives (peroxides), auxiliary materials (color paste, mold release agent, etc.), as well as strategic emerging industries such as automotive electronics, photoelectric materials, aerospace, etc. To provide high-quality soil for emerging industries, the enterprise development Progress bar has been refreshing. Evergreen Chemical can stand out from many global composite material suppliers because of its unique "digital and customized" comprehensive management model. Each industry solution is based on in-depth understanding of the industry and discussion with customers, meeting customers' personalized and customized needs, and providing technical support for process optimization.

Evergreen Chemical Office Building Commences!

What remains unchanged is always innovation. Evergreen Chemical will continue to work hard, walk steadily in the midst of change, and write a brilliant chapter of high-quality development with a brand new look. Wishing Evergreen Chemical Headquarters Building an early completion of decoration! Put it into use!

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