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Evergreen Chemical : 2023 Asia Pacific Rubber and Plastic Exhibition
 Jul 20, 2023|View:277

On July 18th, 2023, the 20th Asia Pacific International Plastic and Rubber Industry Exhibition was grandly opened at the Qingdao World Expo City International Exhibition Center (West Coast New Area)! A team of four from Evergreen Chemical's Foreign Trade Department will specially attend the exhibition in Qingdao.

Evergreen Chemical : 2023 Asia Pacific Rubber and Plastic Exhibition

Through this exhibition, we can have face-to-face communication with customers in the plastic and rubber industry, understand their needs, lay the foundation for product innovation and research and development, and provide high-quality products to more customers.

At the exhibition site, we discovered more new technologies and products: being able to witness and experience new developments in the industry firsthand. From new materials to cutting-edge machinery, one can gain a deeper understanding of the industry's development direction and identify potential solutions for their own challenges.

Expanding business networks: The internet is a fundamental aspect of these exhibitions. Meeting face-to-face with suppliers, partners, and customers from different regions can open the door to collaboration, new markets, and potential customers. Establishing a strong network can have a positive impact on future business growth.

Evergreen Chemical : 2023 Asia Pacific Rubber and Plastic Exhibition

Through the three-day exhibition, we actively learn industry knowledge and listen to different insights: industry experts' seminars, seminars, and speeches provide rich knowledge.

This exhibition provides a unique opportunity for professionals and businesses in the plastic and rubber industry to gather, exchange ideas, showcase their innovation, and establish meaningful connections. Many rubber and plastic enterprises are customers of Nanjing Exhibition, and Evergreen Chemical hopes that our products can contribute to their product development and solve their difficulties in product development. We hope to take advantage of this exhibition to have in-depth communication and exchange with our clients in the rubber and plastic industry, stimulate our continuous innovation drive, and assist in the technological development of the industry.

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