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Experience from Rubber and Plastic Exhibition
 Jul 31, 2023|View:242

The entire rubber and plastic exhibition hall has 6 pavilions, including 5 pavilions for rubber and plastic materials and machinery. The sixth pavilion is the tire exhibition hall, which has little to do with our industry. We spent a total of 6 and a half hours visiting 5 pavilions and communicating with many rubber product manufacturers.

Participate in the Rubber and Plastic Exhibition

There are two major receipts for this exhibition. Firstly, many new products were seen at the exhibition, such as the high-speed production of water ladles, milk tea cups, lunch boxes, rubber sleeves, etc. The overall process of mechanical molding can be seen on site, and the university and quality of technology can be felt.

The second is on-site learning of customer communication skills. In our hands, some rubber customers purchase vulcanizing agents, so we will see the same company name on site and ask if the customer uses vulcanizing agents. When asked, some companies expressed confusion, but encountered a response from a certain company, saying that we do not make rubber ourselves, only companies that need to make rubber will use this. The direction of further consultation will be very clear, Just ask the exhibitor if they have made rubber, it's easy to understand and easy to answer!

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