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Understanding BPO: Applications and Safety
 Jun 28, 2024|View:76

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Ava, the team leader of Evergreen Chemicals Organic Peroxide expert database and the brand director of Nouryon, participated in the drafting of OP safety standards and is well versed in the global supply relationship of peroxides.


Nouryon Brand Director

Benzoyl Peroxide (BPO), with the CAS number 94-36-0, has a total production capacity in China of approximately 35,000 tons as of 2023. The manufacturing facilities are primarily located in Jiangsu, Shandong, and Jiangxi provinces. The world's leading supplier of BPO is the robust Qiangsheng Functional Chemicals Co., Ltd. Let’s delve into several key aspects of BPO:

1.Classification by Use: BPO is categorized into pharmaceutical, food, and industrial grades. It is one of the few organic peroxides that can safely come into contact with human bodies. In the pharmaceutical industry, it is primarily used in the treatment of acne. In the food industry, it is used to bleach flour. Industrially, it serves as an initiator in polymerization reactions (such as polystyrene and polyacrylic acid), a curing agent for unsaturated resins, and a vulcanizing agent for silicone rubbers.

2.Storage Requirements: BPO generally cannot be stored as a pure substance and must be diluted or stabilized to reduce sensitivity. Common diluents include water, lipids, and silicone oil.

3.Physical Forms: Depending on its concentration, BPO can appear in various forms in practical applications, including granular, powdered, paste-like, and as suspensions or emulsions.

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Perkadox GB-50L.jpg

4.Safety Parameters: The Self-Accelerating Decomposition Temperature (SADT) of BPO ranges from 55°C to 80°C. Typically, it does not require temperature-controlled transportation even during the summer months. Its active oxygen content is approximately 6.2%.

5.Packaging and Handling: BPO should be stored with the packaging tightly sealed to avoid any loss of water, which can create hazards. If clumping occurs, it is important not to use blunt objects to break apart the clumps.

6.Supplier Selection: Due to its straightforward production process, there are still some underground factories producing BPO without full safety qualifications. It is crucial to purchase from reputable, certified manufacturers to avoid the risks associated with inferior quality products.

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