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DTBP Market Sees New Growth: Flexible Production Capacity Meets Market Demand
 Jul 12, 2024|View:122

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Ava, the team leader of Evergreen Chemicals OP expert database and the brand director of Nouryon, participated in the drafting of OP safety standards and is well versed in the global supply relationship of peroxides.


Nouryon Brand Director

In recent years, with the continuous increase in demand for high polymers and polypropylene materials, China's DTBP (Di-tert-butyl peroxide) market has shown significant growth. In 2023, China's DTBP production capacity was approximately 15,000 tons, with the capacities of major factories being similar. However, as one of the organic peroxides with relatively simple preparation processes, DTBP's production capacity is highly flexible. Factories can adjust production capacity at any time to meet market changes.

Flexible Production Capacity to Meet Market Changes

In 2020, due to the surge in demand for mask melt-blown material degradation, China's DTBP market capacity once reached 30,000 tons. Industry experts point out that flexible capacity adjustments allow DTBP manufacturers to quickly respond to market changes and maintain supply chain stability.

Low Flash Point and High Volatility Ensure Efficient Application

DTBP has an extremely low flash point, with a closed cup flash point below zero degrees Celsius, which is closely related to its low molecular weight. Due to its high volatility, similar to some Class 3 flammable solvents, DTBP performs excellently in the crosslinking of high polymers and the degradation of polypropylene, making it an indispensable raw material.

High Purity and High Active Oxygen Content Establish a Leading Position

As one of the few pure organic peroxides, DTBP has a purity close to 100%. Manufacturers can produce products with 80% or 90% purity according to different needs to meet diversified application scenarios. With an active oxygen content of about 11%, DTBP is at a high level among organic peroxides, laying a solid foundation for its application in various high polymers.

Diverse Packaging and Convenient Use Enhance User Experience

DTBP's conventional packaging includes 20kg PE drums, 160kg PE drums, and 160kg steel drums, reflecting its relatively low danger level. Additionally, to meet common process requirements, DTBP can also be made into PP masterbatches, such as DTBP-20PP and DTBP-10PP, facilitating measurement and automated transportation.

High SADT Ensures Safe Transportation in Summer

With a relatively high self-accelerating decomposition temperature (SADT), DTBP does not require temperature-controlled vehicles for transportation in summer, further reducing logistics costs and improving transportation efficiency.

The flexible capacity adjustments, efficient application properties, and safe transportation characteristics of the DTBP market have established its important position in the Chinese market. With the continuous growth in demand for high polymers and polypropylene materials, the DTBP market is expected to see more development opportunities, providing strong support for related industrial chains.
This not only demonstrates the flexibility and adaptability of China's chemical industry but also offers more high-quality chemical product choices for the global market. In the future, with continuous technological advancements and changing market demands, the DTBP market will continue to maintain strong growth momentum.

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