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Properties and uses of tert-butyl peroxybenzoate
 Mar 21, 2024|View:205

Tert-Butyl Peroxybenzoate (TBPB) is an important organic peroxide that is widely used as a raw material for chemical production.

Properties of t butyl perbenzoate

1. Physical properties

Tert-butyl peroxybenzoate is a colorless to slightly yellow transparent liquid with a light special odor. Its molecular formula is C11H14O4 and its molecular weight is 210.23. Tert-butyl peroxybenzoate is insoluble in water, but soluble in most organic solvents, such as ethanol, ether, acetone, benzene, etc.

2. Chemical properties

Tert-butyl peroxybenzoate has strong oxidizing properties and is prone to decompose when exposed to heat, friction, vibration, acid, alkali and other conditions, producing free radicals, thereby initiating polymerization reactions. Therefore, special attention is required during storage and transportation.

Uses of t butyl perbenzoate

1. Polymerization initiator

T butyl perbenzoatecan be used as a polymerization initiator and is widely used in the polymerization of unsaturated polyester, acrylic acid, vinyl chloride and other monomers. Under high temperature conditions, t butyl perbenzoate decomposes to produce free radicals, which initiates monomer polymerization and generates polymer compounds.

2. Cross-linking agent

T butyl perbenzoatecan be used as a cross-linking agent for cross-linking modification of polymer materials such as rubber and plastics. Through the cross-linking reaction, the heat resistance, oil resistance, creep resistance and other properties of the material can be improved.

3. Bleach

T butyl perbenzoatehas a certain bleaching effect and can be used for bleaching treatment of paper, textiles, etc. It removes pigments through oxidation, making items white.

4. Flame retardant

T butyl perbenzoatecan be used as a flame retardant and added to polymer materials such as plastics and rubber to improve the flame retardant properties of the materials. Under high temperature conditions, the free radicals generated by the decomposition of t butyl perbenzoate can react with polymer materials to form a char layer that is not easy to burn, thus preventing the spread of flames.

In short, t butyl perbenzoate is widely used in the field of chemical production raw materials and can be used as polymerization initiator, cross-linking agent, bleaching agent and flame retardant. However, due to its strong oxidizing and potential explosive properties, safety operating procedures need to be strictly followed during use to ensure production safety.

Our t butyl perbenzoate products: Trigonox C

tert-butyl peroxybenzoate
CAS number 614-45-9

Trigonox® C tbpb(tert butyl peroxybenzoate) may be used for the (co)polymerization of styrene in the temperature range of 100-140°C. In practice, combinations of two or more peroxides with diverging activities are used to reduce the residual monomer content in the final polymer and to increase reactor efficiency. Trigonox® C tbpb(tert butyl peroxybenzoate) is also an efficient initiator for the ethylene polymerization at high pressure in both autoclave and tubular processes. To obtain a wide spectrum of polymerization temperatures, Trigonox® C tbpb(tert butyl peroxybenzoate) is often used in combination with other peroxides. Depending on reaction conditions, Trigonox® C is active in the temperature range of 220-270°C.

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