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【Ava Said】 Peroxide vulcanization system: commonly used organic
 Mar 13, 2024|View:202

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Ava, the team leader of Evergreen Chemicals OP expert database and the brand director of Nouryon, participated in the drafting of OP safety standards and is well versed in the global supply relationship of peroxides.


Nouryon Brand Director

The vulcanization process of peroxides on elastomers mainly involves three steps

The main mechanism of peroxide crosslinking is that when peroxides are co heated with rubber, they split to produce free radicals, which are then added or removed from the rubber molecular chains through free radical addition reactions ɑ- Methylene active hydrogen undergoes cross-linking reaction, continuously forming C-C cross-linking bonds during the reaction process. The vulcanization process of peroxides on elastomers mainly involves three steps:
(1) Peroxides undergo uniform cleavage, forming two alkoxy radicals;
(2) Alkoxy radicals extract hydrogen atoms from polymer chains;
(3) Two free radicals from adjacent polymer chains combine to form carbon carbon bonds.

Common characteristics of organic peroxides

Abbreviationrelative molecular masstemperature(1)temperature(2)characteristic
DCP270.4143182One of the traditional peroxide crosslinking agents. Can be used for white transparent products with low heat resistance requirements for compression permanent deformation, suitable for steam or mold vulcanization.
BIPB338.5142180The current commonly used new crosslinking agent has similar effects to DCP, with high crosslinking efficiency for rubber. Vulcanized rubber does not produce a significant irritating odor, commonly known as "odorless DCP".
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