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Mr. Yan Zhenghua, AOC Director, visited Evergreen Chemicals with a delegation to jointly paint a new chapter in the global high-end resin industry
 Jan 15, 2024|View:226

This week, a delegation from AOC, a leading global resin brand, visited Evergreen Chemicals. This was not only a business exchange, but also a deepening of years of cooperation. Evergreen, as an authorized agent of AOC, has been adhering to AOC's brand philosophy for many years, continuously cultivating and developing composite materials professionals.

a delegation from AOC, a leading global resin brand, visited Evergreen Chemical.

AOC has always been highly regarded in the resin industry for its outstanding performance. Its high-end resin products not only enjoy a high reputation in the international market, but also have always been in a leading position in technology and innovation.

The visit of the AOC delegation this time is not only a recognition of Evergreen's achievements in the past year, but also an expectation for cooperation in the 2024 fiscal year. During this period, Michael, the Brand Director of Evergreen AOC, conducted a detailed review of the 2023 AOC business, covering areas such as extrusion, RTM, SMC, CIPP, corrosion protection applications, as well as Atlac for various series of brands ®, Palapreg ®, Palatal ® The sales proportion of Bailiangcai, and feedback on usage from key global customers such as BYD Electronics, Saudi Petrochemical, Hong Kong Water Group, BMW, etc. Mr. Yan Zhenghua, the Director of AOC, has affirmed Evergreen's work in AOC brand building over the years and has high expectations for the new fiscal year. At the same time, AOC has set sales targets for the new year and will increase its support for Evergreen, from professional knowledge training to expanding key customers and developing new applications. Injecting new impetus into continuous innovation in the resin field is an unchanging pursuit for both parties.


Tommy, founder of Evergreen, stated that as an authorized agent of AOC, Evergreen deeply feels the responsibility and will do its utmost to leverage the excellent services of the AOC brand and promote the widespread application of its products in the market. At the same time, Evergreen will also benefit greatly from AOC's rich technology and experience, improving its technical level and market competitiveness.

AOC has also issued an invitation in March 2024, hoping that the founder of Evergreen, Tommy, will lead a team to visit and exchange ideas with AOC's Nanjing factory.


Mr. Yan Zhenghua finally emphasized that the cooperative relationship between the two sides is not only a business partner, but also a partnership of mutual respect and common growth!

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