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Deep technological accumulation——AOC
 Oct 31, 2023|View:420

From September 12th to 14th, the 2023 China International Composite Materials Industry Technology Exhibition concluded at the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai).

At the exhibition, Mr. Yan Zhenghua, Marketing and Sales Director of AOC China/AOC, accepted an interview with the China Composite Materials Industry Association, introducing the performance advantages of the exhibits and expressing his views on the market and development of the composite industry.

At this exhibition,AOC mainly showcased 5 products, including the NIO ES8 tailgate produced using Palapreg P18-03 resin and fiberglass SMC molding process; A heavy truck side spoiler trial produced using AOC resin Daron8151 and carbon fiber SMC molding process; Fiberglass door and window profiles made from Palatal series special resin by extrusion; Transparent water slide components made by RTM process using Altek R764 NAP-16/Neogel 8373-1-0000 and carbon fiber products processed by VIP process based on Atlac 430LVGT250/Neogel 8373-1-0000 resin.

Enterprise Introduction

Enterprise Introduction

A leading global supplier of high-quality resin

AOC is a leading global supplier of high-quality polyester resins, vinyl ester resins, gel coats, and specialty materials. The products are widely used in various fields such as automobiles and trucks, rail transit, anti-corrosion pipes and tanks, buildings and infrastructure, boats and offshore operations, wind power, chemicals, entertainment facilities, in-situ solidification and repair of underground pipeline networks.

AOC is active in all important fields of composite materials

In various fields of the national economy, AOC plays an indispensable role in the composite materials industry, including automobiles and trucks, rail transit, anti-corrosion pipes and tanks, buildings and infrastructure, boats and offshore operations, entertainment facilities, wind power, chemicals, in-situ solidification and repair of underground pipeline networks (CIPP), and so on.

Deep technological accumulation

Deep technological accumulation

With its profound technological accumulation and globally distributed manufacturing network, AOC provides customers with benchmark quality products and efficient and excellent services to ensure their business today with peace of mind; Continuously exploring and innovating to meet the future development needs of customers.

Environmentally friendly low-carbon environmental protection plan

Environmentally friendly low-carbon environmental protection plan

AOC continues to explore new technologies and launch new CIPP technology solutions to the market. The Atlac Premium in the Next series of products is styrene free and has a friendly working environment, allowing for safe construction even in bustling commercial centers or residential areas. The launch of this product makes the production, manufacturing, and application of chemicals more in line with national environmental protection and low-carbon industrial policies.

Deep technological accumulation——AOC

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