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What You Need to Know About MEKP(Part Two)
 Jun 06, 2024|View:181

3. Common Causes of Safety Incidents with MEKP

3.1 Poor Packaging Quality: Accidents often occur due to leaks caused by substandard packaging. This can lead to spillage and the subsequent exposure of MEKP, which is highly reactive.

3.2 Non-specialized Transportation: Utilizing non-dedicated transport means for MEKP can lead to mishandling during the loading and unloading processes. This increases the risk of accidents, particularly when MEKP is transported alongside other goods without proper separation.

3.3 Storage with Reducing Agents: Storing MEKP in the same facility as substances with strong reducing properties can lead to dangerous chemical reactions. Proper segregation of chemicals is crucial to prevent such hazardous interactions.

3.4 Winter Heating in Workshops: In colder seasons, it is essential to maintain a safe distance between MEKP storage areas and any heat sources in workshops to prevent accidental heating of MEKP, which could lead to decomposition or ignition.


4. Prominent MEKP Manufacturers, Capacities, and Brands

4.1 NOURYON (Netherlands): With a production capacity of approximately 20,000 tons, NOURYON is a leading manufacturer in the MEKP market. Their main brands include TRIGONOX and BUTANOX, known for their reliability and widespread use in the industry.

4.2 UNITED INITIATORS (USA): This American company has an annual production capacity of around 12,000 tons. Their flagship brands, NOROX and SUPEROX, are highly regarded for their quality and performance in various industrial applications.

4.3 ARKEMA (France): ARKEMA produces about 8,000 tons of MEKP annually, with LUPEROX as their principal brand. LUPEROX is recognized for its high-quality standards and consistency in performance.

4.4 AKAP (Turkey): AKAP, with a production capacity of about 7,000 tons, offers AKPEROX as its main brand. AKPEROX is noted for its adaptability in different industrial processes and its effectiveness as a curing agent.

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