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Evergreen Chemicals Attends 8th Symposium on Composite Material Pultrusion Manufacturing and Applications
 May 28, 2024|View:67

On May 22, 2024, the 8th Annual Symposium on Composite Material Pultrusion Manufacturing and Applications opened at the Jinling Lakeside Hotel on the shores of Golden Sand Lake in Funing. This two-day gathering drew over 200 domestic experts and scholars who engaged in discussions under the theme: "Targeting Key Industries, Attracting Investment, Recruiting High-End Talent, and Enhancing Technical Communication to Cultivate New Productive Forces in the Pultrusion Industry." The symposium focused particularly on the application and advancement of pultrusion materials within sectors such as photovoltaics and wind power.

Amid the deepening implementation of China's "Dual Carbon" goals, the pultrusion industry is encountering significant growth opportunities and is playing an increasingly vital role in the nation's green and low-carbon development. As the composite materials sector continues to innovate and expand, new applications and market opportunities are rapidly emerging. During the symposium, attendees shared the latest technological developments and case studies, fostering an environment of collaboration and exchange.

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Evergreen Chemicals showcased its Nolion brand of organic peroxides, presenting an optimized curing system tailored for the pultrusion process. The company utilizes a dual-agent curing system, which includes both "initiator" and "completer" curing agents. The "initiator" agent generates free radicals at lower temperatures to facilitate rapid gelation and heat release, activating the "completer" agent, which then ensures complete curing at higher temperatures, ultimately enhancing the mechanical properties of the finished products.

Evergreen Chemicals continues to enhance its competitive edge and credibility in international markets through relentless innovation and market expansion. The company is dedicated to providing robust technical support to its global clientele, contributing to a brighter future for society.

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