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Resin Price Index on October 23, 2023
 Oct 28, 2023|View:271

Ortho-benzene universal resin -40, double ring (DC) hand layup resin -100, artificial stone/quartz stone resin -50, pultrusion resin -50, winding structure layer resin -40, winding interlayer benzene lining resin -10, NPG type molding resin -70, DPG type molding resin -50.

Resin Price Index on October 23, 2023

The price of raw materials in the market is adjusted weakly, but there is huge uncertainty in international oil prices, and the resin market price is temporarily stable.

Last week, raw materials saw mixed fluctuations and overall weak adjustments. International oil prices are fluctuating under the influence of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and various other factors, and the world is waiting for further progress in the Middle East situation. At present, the UPR market is generally weak and stable, with the market mainly focused on just in demand procurement, and overall transactions are not active. Due to the tightening supply of styrene and a periodic upward trend in prices, UPR factories are currently offering rigid prices.

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