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Ningbo Port Explosion: A Safety Wake-up Call
 Aug 16, 2024|View:94

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Ava, the team leader of Evergreen Chemicals Organic Peroxide expert database and the brand director of Nouryon, participated in the drafting of OP safety standards and is well versed in the global supply relationship of peroxides.


Nouryon Brand Director

Critical Safety Alert: TBPB Container Explosion at Ningbo Port Raises Major Concerns

On August 2, 2024, an alarming explosion involving a TBPB container at China's Ningbo Port was captured on video, highlighting severe safety breaches. This incident serves as a vivid reminder of Heinrich's Law, which suggests that behind every major accident, there are 29 minor accidents, 300 near-misses, and 1,000 safety risks lurking. It underscores the urgent need for preemptive safety measures to drastically reduce such catastrophic events.

Organic Peroxides: A Call for Heightened Safety and Expertise

As stakeholders in the organic peroxide industry, recognized for handling high-risk chemicals like TBPB, we must escalate our safety protocols and expertly manage these substances to avert future disasters. Here are some critical insights and strategic recommendations:

Reevaluate Container Temperature Controls: With the SADT of TBPB at 60 degrees Celsius, traditional non-refrigerated containers are typically used. However, given the recent trends of extreme global temperatures peaking around 50 degrees Celsius, it is imperative to consider temperature-controlled containers to prevent overheating and potential decomposition of the chemical.

Enhance Transportation and Storage Regulations: This incident has prompted stricter controls at major ports like Ningbo and Shanghai. Immediate suspension and rigorous scrutiny of Class 5.2 goods, including TBPB, are now in effect, with a focus on safety compliance over convenience.

Shipping Companies on High Alert: In the aftermath, the shipping industry is on edge, with future capacities to handle hazardous cargoes expected to dwindle. Only a few major companies like Maersk and MSC might be equipped to manage these risks, emphasizing the need for meticulous cargo documentation and verification of shipper credibility.


Advocating for Quality Over Price: The long-standing issue of price-driven market dynamics, where lower-quality TBPB displaces higher-quality options, must be addressed. Upholding stringent quality standards will not only enhance safety but also position conscientious manufacturers for competitive advantages in booking and transport processes.

This recent explosion is not just an incident but a stark warning. It calls for immediate action across the industry to enhance safety measures, apply rigorous standards, and leverage our collective expertise to ensure the organic peroxide sector’s resilience and safety.

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