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Comprehensive Overview of Lauroyl Peroxide (LPO)
 Jul 26, 2024|View:173

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Ava, the team leader of Evergreen Chemicals Organic Peroxide expert database and the brand director of Nouryon, participated in the drafting of OP safety standards and is well versed in the global supply relationship of peroxides.


Nouryon Brand Director

Chemical Name: Lauroyl Peroxide
CAS-No: 105-74-8

As of 2023, the total production capacity of LPO in China is approximately 100 tons. Within China, the only factory producing LPO is Strong Functional Chemicals Co., Ltd. LPO is a relatively niche product with limited demand. Besides Strong Functional Chemicals, only Arkema, Nouryon, and NOF Corporation have LPO production lines, and all their production is based overseas. The Chinese market share is predominantly held by Nouryon and Arkema, accounting for 80% of the supply in China. The primary use of LPO is in PVC initiation, and patents usually specify the use of Arkema or Nouryon brands.

Key Points about LPO:

1. SADT and Safety:
- The Self-Accelerating Decomposition Temperature (SADT) of LPO is 50°C, making it one of the safer organic peroxides. Therefore, temperature-controlled vehicles are generally not required for transportation during the summer.

2. Forms of LPO:
- LPO is typically available in powder and flake forms. Additionally, it is sometimes prepared as a 40% suspension.


3. Purity Levels:
- The current manufacturing process can achieve nearly 100% purity. The powder form usually has a purity of over 99%, while the flake form has a purity of over 96%.

4. Active Oxygen Content:
- The theoretical active oxygen content of LPO is around 4.2%, similar to Benzoyl Peroxide (BPO). The production processes of LPO and BPO are also similar as both belong to the acyl organic peroxide category.

5. Applications:
- LPO is primarily used in the (co)polymerization of styrene, ethylene, vinyl chloride, acrylates, and methacrylates. In high-end surface material processes, it is often used in conjunction with BCHPC, and in acrylate initiation, it is commonly paired with AIBN.

6. Packaging:
- LPO is conventionally packaged in 20 kg or 25 kg units, with inner PE bags and outer cardboard boxes.

7. Market Dynamics:
- Due to its small market size, many organic peroxide factories in China are reluctant to produce LPO. End-users, unless absolutely necessary, typically do not switch LPO brands. Given that Nouryon and Arkema's products are imported, shipping uncertainties can lead to occasional shortages in the Chinese market.

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