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  • NPPN-638

    Model: NPPN-638

    Epoxy resin
    NPPN-638 has two advantageous characteristics, namely the heat resistance and epoxy reaction performance of phenol. Compared with the basic epoxy resin term of BPA with an average molecular weight of 2 epoxies, the average molecular weight of NPPN-638 is 3.6. A sturdy cross bonding curi...
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  • NPPN-638S

    Model: NPPN-638S

    Epoxy resinNPPN-638S has two advantageous properties,heat resistively of phenolic backbone and reactivity of an epoxy.Comparing with BPA-based epoxides which have two epoxides per molecule,NPPN-638S has an average of 3.6 epoxy groups per molecule.
    NPPN-638S provides tightly cross-linked cured syste...
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  • TC-K518

    Model: TC-K518

    Epoxy resin TC -K518 is a food grade liquid resin manufactured from bisphenol-A and epichlorohydin. It is recognized as a standard from which many variations have been developed. A wide variety of curing agents is available to cure liquid epoxy resins at ambient conditions. The most frequently used ...
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  • TC-T31

    Model: TC-T31

    Epoxy resin hardener
    TC-T31 epoxy resin hardener is a kind of phenoamine(PAA) hardener at room temperature, with excellent comprehensive performance.TC-T31 epoxy resin curing agent has the activity such as hydroxyl and amine and secondary amino groups in structure, can significantly improve heat re...
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  • TC-styrene

    Model: TC-styrene

    StyreneTC-styrene is an organic compound with the chemical formula C8H8. It is insoluble in water and soluble in most organic solvents such as ethanol and ether. It is an important monomer for synthetic resins, ion exchange resins, and synthetic rubber.
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  • AEROSIL R 974

    Model: AEROSIL R 974

    Hydrophobic fumed silicaAEROSIL® R 974 is a hydrophobic fumed silica aftertreated with DDS (Dimethyldichlorosilane) based on a hydrophilic fumed silica with a specific surface area of 200 m2/g.
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  • Demolding wax M0811V2

    Model: Demolding wax M0811V2

    Special wax mixtureDemoulding wax M0811V2 is a special wax mixture, mainly composed of high-quality Brazilian Carnauba wax. Specially designed for the composite material industry to provide products with higher glossiness and maximum demolding times. Widely used in fields such as yachts, fishing bo...
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  • NPSN-901X75

    Model: NPSN-901X75

    Expoxy resinNPSN-901X75 is a 75% N. V. solution of NPES-901 in Xylene used in anticorrosive paint.
    NPSN-901X75 is cured with polyamide or polyamine hardeners, it provides good levels of chemical resistance and physical properties.
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  • Fumed silica(QS-20LS)

    Model: Fumed silica(QS-20LS)

    Hydrophilic Fumed SilicaREOLOSIL QS-20LS is a very fine amorphous silicon dioxide made by combustion of high purity silicon tetrachloride with oxygen and hydrogen.
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  • DYNAPOL LS 436-12LN

    Model: DYNAPOL LS 436-12LN

    Elastic polyester resinA saturated, medium molecular weight, linear, hydroxyl containing elastic polyester resin.
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    lsophorone diamine
    3-Aminomethyl-3,5,5-trimethylcyclohexylamine VESTAMIN IPD is a cycloaliphatic diamine,based on isophorone chemistry. lt is a mixture of two stereo-isomers of 3-aminomethyl-3,5,5trimethylcyclohexylamine,and is a colorless low viscosity liquid with a faint amine odor.
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    Model: JEFFAMINE D-230

    Epoxy resin hardenerJEFFAMINE D-230 polyetheramine is characterized by repeating oxypropylene units in the backbone.As
    shown by the representative structure, JEFFAMINE D-230 polyetheramine is a difunctional, primary amine with an average molecular weight of about 230. The primary amine groups are ...
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    Model: BAXXODUR EC 301

    Epoxy resin hardenerBaxxodur® EC 301 amino-terminated polyoxypropylene is a curing agent primarily for epoxy systems.
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  • D.E.R. 331

    Model: D.E.R. 331

    Liquid Epoxy ResinD.E.R.™ 331™ Liquid Epoxy Resin is a liquid reaction product of epichlorohydrin and bisphenol A.
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  • NPEB-400

    Model: NPEB-400

    Epoxy resinNPEB-400 is a brominated epoxy resin, which is manufactured from tetrabromo bisphenol-A and epichlorohydrin.It provides excellent flame retardant because of high bromine content. NON FLAMABLE, however the excellent properties in physics and electronics are the same as BPA-ECH types.Recom...
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  • NPES-901

    Model: NPES-901

    Epoxy resinNPES-901 is a low molecular weight solid epoxy resin, which manufactured from NPEL-128 (liquid DGEBA) and Bisphenol-A (BPA) materials that offers quality and high purity properties in application, such as high crosslinked density, strong adhesion and water resistance, etc. NPES-901 is ava...
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  • EPOXY 1050

    Model: EPOXY 1050

    Epoxy resinWXDIC 1050 is a medium molecular weight solid epoxy resin, which is manufactured from liquid epoxy resin and bisphenol A.
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  • CAB-O-SIL M-5

    Model: CAB-O-SIL M-5

    Untreated Fumed SilicaCAB-O-SIL® fumed silicas are packaged in color-coded, multi-wall Kraft paper bags. Grade M-5 is packaged in North America in 10-lb bags and in Europe in 10-kg bags. The bags are unitized and sized to provide product protection, facilitate efficient handling, and maximize payloa...
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  • Desmodur® IL-1351-BA

    Model: Desmodur® IL-1351-BA

    HARDENERDesmodur® IL-1351-BA, Aromatic polyisocyanate based on toluene diisocyanate. As the hardener component for fast-drying two-component polyurethane coatings.
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    Model: WANNATE HB-75MX

    HARDENERWANNATE® HB-75MX can be used as the hardener component for lightfast two-component polyurethane coatings with high resistance to chemicals and weathering, very good gloss retention and outstanding mechanical properties.
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