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【 Quick News 】Evergreen Chemicals Amazingly Appears at the 2024 JEC Composite Exhibition in France
 Mar 05, 2024|View:198

Evergreen Chemicals 's debut at the JEC overseas exhibition is not only a recognition of our technology and innovation, but also an excellent opportunity to showcase our strength on the international stage. At this exhibition, Evergreen Chemicals will showcase our professional capabilities in the field of composite materials to domestic and foreign audiences, showcasing our six major teams: unsaturated resins, vinyl resins, epoxy resins, organic peroxides, fiberglass, and additives.

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We will:

Distribute English version of the company brochure

Introduce innovative product solutions

A professional team provides on-site consultation and technical exchange.

On the first day of the exhibition, the Evergreen Chemicals booth attracted a large number of people from home and abroad to stop, visit and exchange ideas. Evergreen Chemicals's professional technical team treats every customer with enthusiasm and sincerity, patiently answering every question. Winning the favor of numerous visitors with outstanding professional skills has created more opportunities for Evergreen Chemicals to make a stunning appearance at this JEC event.

If you are a company or construction party:

1. Hope to find high-quality and cost-effective composite material products;

2. I want to find a suitable solution and create greater profit margins.

Welcome to contact our team!

If you are a brand merchant or industry insider:

1. Brand and product marketing cooperation;

2. I want to find reliable resources in the upstream and downstream of the industry.

Welcome to contact us for a chat!

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