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Hazardous characteristics of peroxides
 Jul 31, 2023|View:266

Peroxides play a significant role in industrial production and people's life. They are widely used as curing agent, catalyst, bleaching agent, deodorant, antiseptic and disinfectant in Polymer chemistry, fine chemicals, textile printing and dyeing, food processing, furniture manufacturing and other fields. However, peroxides are particularly unstable substances with a high risk of fire and explosion. In recent years, major fire and explosion accidents caused by them have been occurring continuously. It is very important to discuss the safety during the production, transportation, storage, and use of peroxides.

Hazardous characteristics of peroxides

The critical characteristics of peroxides:

1. Explosive decomposition

Peroxides all contain peroxy groups (-0-0). Due to the weak bonding force of peroxy bonds, the energy required for fracture is not significant. Peroxy groups are extremely unstable structures and are highly sensitive to heat, vibration, impact, or friction. They decompose when subjected to slight external forces. If the heat release rate of the reaction exceeds the heat dissipation rate of the surrounding environment, the temperature rises under the action of the decomposition reaction heat, and the reaction accelerates and progresses to an explosion.

The stability of Organic peroxides changes in the following order: ketone peroxide diacetyl peroxide ether dialkyl peroxide. Low level homologues of various peroxides are more sensitive to mechanical effects and have a greater risk of explosion than higher level homologues.

2. Flammability

Most peroxides burn easily and quickly and fiercely. The activation energy of 0-0 bond of Organic peroxides is lower than that of ordinary explosives, about 80~160kJ/mol, and the Autoignition temperature of Organic peroxides is lower. When peroxides are sealed and heated, they are prone to transition from rapid detonation to detonation.

3. Personal injury

The personal injury of Organic peroxides is mainly manifested as simple damage to the eyes, such as cyclohexanone peroxide, tert butyl hydroperoxide, diacetyl peroxide, etc. All of them have damage to the eyes. Some of them will cause severe damage to the cornea even if they are in contact with the eyes briefly.

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