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Newsletter|Evergreenchemicals Q2 ORK Summary
 Jul 04, 2023|View:242

After three months of hard work and struggle, Evergreenchemicals created their own milestones with passion and sweat. After three months of glory and dreams, Evergreenchemicals wrote a new chapter of the company with diligence and wisdom. On July 1, 2023, according to the company's overall work deployment, in order to better realize the company's strategic goals, Evergreenchemicals' OKR review meeting for the second quarter of 2023 came as scheduled.


Regarding the review of the second quarter target and the outlook for the third quarter, we decided to lower the quarterly performance target by 20% in light of China's current economic situation. This is based on a comprehensive assessment of the market situation and the actual situation of the company, with the aim of maintaining the sustainable development of the business and adapting to the current challenges. the
At the meeting, the heads of each department of the company represented the department to report on the OKR work in the second quarter, including the performance of the second quarter, the completion of the goal, and the plan and strategy for the third quarter. Focus on the current market environment, competitive situation and changes in customer needs in order to adjust and optimize our business operations in a timely manner. Judging from various data, Evergreenchemicals' finance department, administration department, operation department, foreign trade department, and internal trade department are working hard every day in accordance with the established direction, and with the unremitting spirit of struggle, they have achieved success in key projects.


The persons in charge of epoxy resin, unsaturated polyester resin,vinyl resin, and organic peroxide also conducted system analysis and work reports respectively. Including the overall situation of the industry, market trends, competition conditions, as well as our performance and prospects in the industry. This will help us better understand the opportunities and challenges in various industries and develop strategies and plans accordingly.
Regarding the analysis of distribution channels, we are pleased to announce that the Nouryon product line has completed the annual peroxide target half a year ahead of schedule, the progress of the AOC product line is at the same level as last year, and the SWANCOR, Henkel, and INEOS product lines have basically reached the set goals. However, the product lines of Evergreenchemicals, Nanya, Sinochem and Jushi are relatively weak in terms of performance, and there is a big gap with other channels. We need to deeply analyze these gaps and take corresponding measures to improve the performance of these agency channels.
While affirming the work of each department, the company's leadership objectively analyzed the problems existing in the work according to the completion of the performance of each department in the second quarter, and put forward requirements for the setting of OKR assessment indicators in the third quarter, from improving management level, Suggestions were put forward on strengthening departmental collaboration and introducing external resources. We must persist in promoting the company's high-quality development and respond to various challenges calmly; we must maintain the necessary speed and tension, continuously strengthen team building, strengthen risk prevention and control, and shoulder heavy responsibilities and make solid progress in order to achieve the 2023 annual OKR goal.
OKR is the basic performance system of our company. As a management by objectives framework, it drives the development of the organization and the performance of employees by setting clear objectives and key results. Using OKRs has brought us some major changes, including clearer goal setting, better team collaboration, and more efficient execution. We will insist on using OKR for a long time, and continue to optimize and improve in practice to achieve continuous development and success.

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