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Expert training of AOC helps improve skills
 May 17, 2023|View:261

Today, a group of four technical experts from AOC., including Yang Qingchun, were invited to visit Evergreen Chemical Co., Ltd. for on-site technical guidance and exchange. AOC is the leading global supplier of specialty resins and solutions which enable customers to create robust, durable, and versatile products Accompanied by General Manager Yu, they also visited the SMC factory. Yang analyzed the existing sheet production equipment, sheet formula optimization, raw material storage, molding process and process control, and product quality issues in detail, and proposed many valuable improvement suggestions and solutions. Finally, Yang gave a special lecture on the application of SMC/BMC in the automotive field for all members of the technical department. This on-site technical exchange and guidance, as well as professional training, greatly benefited the trainees in terms of improving their skills in making sheet formulas, molding processes, and understanding the cutting-edge information of the SMC industry's technological development.

Expert training of AOC

Expert training of AOC

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