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The development path of fiberglass ships
 Aug 15, 2023|View:337

Fiberglass reinforced plastics (FRP), also known as fiberglass reinforced plastics (FRP), is the main material used in most ships on the market. What is the current development status of fiberglass ships.

A ship built with fiberglass as the material for its hull. The displacement of fiberglass ships is usually below 500t, such as military minehunting boats, minesweeping boats, landing boats, traffic boats, etc; Civil high-speed passenger boats, fishing boats, yachts, lifeboats, work boats, and racing boats. Many countries' navies have newly built anti mine ships with fiberglass hulls, decks, and cabins. The "Hunt" class minehunting/minesweeping ship built in the UK, with a full displacement of 750t, a length of 60m, and a width of 10m, is the largest fiberglass ship to date. In the 1990s, China built multiple double hull passenger ships with fiberglass hulls, and fiberglass lifeboats made in China have been exported to many countries.

The world's first 44 meter fiberglass yacht, Beniti DIAMOND 145, launched

Fiberglass fishing boats began to appear in the late 1950s and early 1960s, marking another significant change in the history of fishing boat development. At present, there are more than 2 million fiberglass ships in the world, which are rapidly developing not only in developed countries such as the United States, Japan, and the UK, but also in developing countries such as India and Thailand. Practice has proven that FRP is an ideal material for building small and medium-sized fishing boats. Therefore, many countries have taken measures to restrict the production of wooden ships and formulated preferential policies to support the development of fiberglass ships.

Almost all fishing vessels used for offshore fishing in the United States are made of fiberglass, and all wooden fishing vessels have been phased out. The annual amount of fiberglass used for shipbuilding exceeds 200000 tons.

Japan's fiberglass fishing boats have developed the fastest. By 1995, the proportion of wooden fishing boats was only 11.1%, basically replacing wood with fiberglass.

Japan's fiberglass fishing boats

South Africa was the first country in the world to build larger fiberglass fishing boats. In 1960, a 20.7 meter trawler with a PVC core sandwich structure was built, with a displacement of 95 tons. Traveling at a speed of 11 nautical miles.

In 1980, India had 20000 fiberglass motorized fishing vessels, and now the annual renewal rate is still over 2500.

Peru, Poland and other countries have also developed fiberglass fishing boats rapidly, producing a large number of fiberglass trawlers and purse seine fishing boats below 28nl and selling them abroad.

Britain, France, Germany, and others have also built many fiberglass ships one after another. Due to environmental protection needs, countries around the world are limiting logging, and fiberglass fishing boats have better economic benefits than wooden boats. Therefore, replacing wooden fishing boats with fiberglass fishing boats has become inevitable.

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