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Shandong Tianchen Liquid Brominated Epoxy Resin Project
 Sep 02, 2023|View:376

The Ecological Environment Bureau of Weifang City has accepted and publicized the environmental impact report of Shandong Tianchen New Material Technology Co., Ltd.'s 10000 ton/year decabromodiphenylethane and 50000 ton/year liquid brominated epoxy resin projects.

Shandong Tianchen 50000 tons/year Liquid Brominated Epoxy Resin Project Environmental Impact Assessment Announcement!

Project Summary

Project Name: 10000 tons/year Decabromodiphenylethane and 50000 tons/year Liquid Brominated Epoxy Resin Project

Project nature: New construction

Project investment: 819 million yuan

Construction location: Weifang Binhai Chemical Industry Park, Weifang Binhai Economic and Technological Development Zone

Construction unit: Shandong Tianchen New Material Technology Co., Ltd

Construction Content and Scale: Construct one set of decabromodiphenylethane preparation device and one set of brominated epoxy resin preparation device, as well as supporting the construction of liquid chlorine warehouse (including vaporization area), wastewater pretreatment device (including three effect evaporation unit of decabromodiphenylethane, electrodialysis unit, and high salt water treatment unit of brominated epoxy resin), etc. The environmental protection facilities and public facilities of the project are supported by ongoing projects. After the project is completed, it can generate an annual production capacity of 10000 tons of decabromodiphenylethane and 50000 tons of liquid brominated epoxy resin.

Implementation progress: The project construction cycle is 12 months, and the project is expected to be fully completed by December 2024.

The products of this project are mainly used as flame retardant composite materials, structural materials, adhesives, coatings, and are widely used in the construction, aviation, shipbuilding, and electronic and electrical industries, with broad market prospects and economic benefits.

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