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Resin Price Index on November 27, 2023
 Nov 29, 2023|View:303

Ortho-benzene universal resin -10, double ring (DC) hand lay resin -50, artificial stone/quartz resin -10, pultruded resin -30, winding structure layer resin -20, winding interlayer benzene lining resin -20, NPG molding resin 10, DPG molding resin -20.

The raw material market fluctuated slightly, while the resin market prices remained stable.

Resin Price Index on November 27, 2023

Last week, the raw material market experienced slight fluctuations under the dual influence of significant fluctuations in international oil prices and sustained sluggish downstream demand. Overall, the impact on UPR costs was not significant. Due to the recent unsatisfactory economic indicators of both China and the United States, the international energy market's assessment of future demand is relatively pessimistic. However, at the same time, OPEC, led by Saudi Arabia, has been continuously rumored to be about to reduce production again, resulting in significant fluctuations in international oil prices. At present, the downstream demand for UPR is relatively stable, and there is still a phenomenon of uneven separation of joys and sorrows. As upstream raw material production capacity approaches, the pressure on the raw material market is increasing day by day.

Therefore, from a trend perspective, the possibility of sustained weakness in the last month of this year is increasing.

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