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Resin Price Index as of November 20, 2023
 Nov 20, 2023|View:285

100 universal resin for adjacent benzene, 0 double ring (DC) hand lay resin, 50 artificial stone/quartz resin, 70 pultruded resin, 90 resin for winding structure layer, 100 resin for winding interlayer benzene lining, 140 NPG molding resin, and 150 DPG molding resin.

Resin Price Index as of November 20, 2023

The raw material market fluctuates, while the resin market prices remain stable.

Last week, the prices of raw materials in the market fluctuated slightly. The market for maleic anhydride was temporarily boosted due to temporary equipment failures in Henan Shengyuan Phase II, while other varieties experienced slight fluctuations. Due to the fact that the equipment failure in Shengyuan, Henan is a temporary emergency, we believe that as long as the production equipment returns to normal, the market will return to the balance of supply and demand.

In terms of international oil prices, the expectation of a decrease in future market demand and rumors that OPEC may further reduce production are playing against each other. International oil prices fluctuate greatly, and the short-term trend is uncertain. The downstream market demand of UPR is still polarized, leading to significant differentiation in the operational status of different enterprises. Overall, the market demand is in a stable state of "new normal", and this current market pattern may continue for a long time.

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