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Resin Price Index as of January 15, 2024
 Jan 15, 2024|View:215

Ortho-benzene universal resin -140, double ring (DC) hand lay resin -100, artificial stone/quartz resin -70, pultruded resin -110, winding structure layer resin -120, winding interlayer benzene lining resin -110, NPG molding resin -180, DPG molding resin -220.

Resin Price Index as of January 15, 2024

The raw material market has fluctuated and adjusted, and resin sales prices have remained stable.

Last week, under the dual influence of international oil prices and downstream Spring Festival stocking, the raw material market showed a weak trend before and then a strong trend. Starting from this week, the entire chemical market will enter the stocking and production stage before the Spring Festival, and this week is also the last week of production for UPR factories in the southern region. Most UPR factories in the southern region will park this weekend for production holidays. The production of UPR factories in other regions will be maintained until late next week. It is expected that during the Dragon Year and Spring Festival, a considerable number of UPR factories will have more than 20 days of parking, which is the highest in history.

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