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Resin Price Index as of December 18, 2023
 Dec 18, 2023|View:200

150 universal resin for adjacent benzene, 200 double ring (DC) hand lay resin, 120 artificial stone/quartz resin, 160 extrusion resin, 150 winding structure layer resin, 140 winding interlayer benzene lining resin, 200 NPG molding resin, and 230 DPG molding resin.

Resin Price Index as of December 18, 2023

The raw material market continues to rise, and the resin market price has once again increased by 100-200 yuan.

Last week, the prices of raw materials in the market continued to rise, especially with the significant increase in the price of maleic anhydride stimulated by unexpected equipment failures in multiple production factories. At present, the production efficiency of UPR downstream market has significantly decreased under the influence of severe cold weather, and outdoor construction has basically come to a standstill. The production pace of UPR factory has also significantly slowed down, and various enterprises are shifting their focus from selling products to collecting payments. According to reports from various UPR factories, the liquidity of downstream enterprises is generally poor this year, making it extremely difficult to recover payments. In the current situation, the adjustment of resin sales prices is only an auxiliary means of recovering payments, and the amount of sales is no longer significant.

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