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Resin Price Index as of December 11, 2023
 Dec 11, 2023|View:256

150 universal resin for adjacent benzene, 180 double ring (DC) hand lay resin, 80 artificial stone/quartz resin, 60 extrusion resin, 120 winding structure layer resin, 120 winding interlayer benzene lining resin, 190 NPG molding resin, and 110 DPG molding resin.

Resin Price Index as of December 11, 2023

The raw material market is fluctuating and rebounding, with resin market prices increasing by 100-200 yuan.

Last week, the raw material market experienced a temporary rebound stimulated by news of equipment failures from some manufacturers, leading to an increase in UPR costs. At present, towards the end of the year, the focus of UPR manufacturers is shifting towards recovering accounts receivable, and the amount of sales is no longer the focus of enterprises. Therefore, it is expected that the production operating rate of UPR factories will gradually decrease from now on, leading to a gradual decrease in demand for raw materials.

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