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Sincerity Reading Club: Advocating for Healthy Lifestyles and Communication Skills Enhancement
 May 15, 2024|View:75

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On May 12th, Evergreen Chemicals successfully organized the "Sincerity Reading Club," an event designed to assist employees in achieving a healthy balance between their professional and personal lives through the medium of books. Centered on the philosophy "Act when clear, read when uncertain, exercise when upset, and reflect when calm," each participant received a copy of "Nonviolent Communication" to foster better communication skills and mental health.


**Event Overview**

The reading club was held in the company’s conference room, decorated to create a warm and elegant atmosphere, with books arranged neatly and a banner displaying the "Sincerity Reading Club" theme. The event commenced at three in the afternoon, with company leaders and employees gathering together for this significant occasion.


**Leadership Remarks**

The session began with an address from the company leaders, who explained the purpose behind establishing the reading club. They discussed the challenges and pressures of fast-paced work life, emphasizing how reading can guide us during times of confusion and enhance our ability to communicate effectively. "Nonviolent Communication" was highlighted as a key resource in improving interpersonal communications and alleviating mental stress.


**Book Distribution and Interaction**

After the opening remarks, leaders distributed "Nonviolent Communication" to each participant. The book distribution was met with enthusiasm and anticipation from the attendees. The event not only offered them new knowledge but also helped deepen connections among colleagues through shared discussions.


**Future Plans**

The success of the "Sincerity Reading Club" has inspired plans for a follow-up session in a month, where employees will gather once again to share insights and experiences from their readings.

By promoting activities such as the "Sincerity Reading Club," Evergreen Chemicals aims to ensure that each employee finds ways to maintain a balanced lifestyle while fostering a positive and supportive work environment. We look forward to the upcoming session, where we hope to see employees bring back new learnings and insights to share.

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