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2023 Changzhou West Taihu Lake Half Marathon concluded successfully
 Oct 17, 2023|View:336

At 8:30 am on October 15, the 2023 Changzhou West Taihu Lake Half Marathon (Changzhou Station) started at the Wujin Flower Expo Park. More than 20,000 runners from all over the world are chasing their dreams on the track. This passionate running feast is not only a noble tribute to the spirit of sports, but also a perfect example of corporate social responsibility.

the 2023 Changzhou West Taihu Lake Half Marathon (Changzhou Station) started at the Wujin Flower Expo Park

the 2023 Changzhou West Taihu Lake Half Marathon (Changzhou Station) started at the Wujin Flower Expo Park

our company's employees met this challenge with a positive attitude

our company's employees met this challenge with a positive attitude

Marathon, as exciting long-distance running race, is both a physical test and a competition of perseverance. It contains the spirit of perseverance and self-breakthrough. In last week's West Taihu Lake Marathon, our company's employees met this challenge with a positive attitude, demonstrating the company's emphasis on employee health and its determination to advocate more individuals and families to actively participate in physical exercise.

Evergreen Chemicalshas always focused on the all-round development of employees. It not only provides training and development opportunities in the professional field, but also encourages employees to strengthen physical exercise and pursue a healthy lifestyle after work. This concept is also reflected in the participation in the West Taihu Lake Marathon. Evergreen Chemicals employees actively signed up to participate, not only to challenge themselves, but also to actively practice the company's healthy life philosophy.

Evergreen Chemicals has always focused on the all-round development of employees

Evergreen Chemicals has always focused on the all-round development of employees

Evergreen Chemicals employees actively signed up to participate

Evergreen Chemicals employees actively signed up to participate

Evergreen Chemicals has its own marathon running team with more than 20 members. During the competition, faced with the physical challenges of the marathon, Evergreen contestants showed their tenacious fighting spirit. They constantly challenged themselves, overcame difficulties, persevered, and completed the game with an indomitable spirit. This goal-oriented and continuous pursuit of excellence fully embodies the spiritual connotation of Evergreen Chemical's corporate culture.

Through this marathon, Evergreen Chemicals not only demonstrated its deep care for its employees, but also set an example for more people and families to actively participate in physical exercise. The company will continue to promote this concept of healthy living, encourage more people to integrate sports with a positive attitude, and make health the standard for every family. Here we also call on more people and families to join us and join Evergreen Marathon Running Team.

Here we also call on more people and families to join us and join Evergreen Marathon Running Team

Here we also call on more people and families to join us and join Evergreen Marathon Running Team

This West Taihu Marathon is not only a competition, but also a celebration of the healthy, active and family-friendly lifestyle that Evergreen Chemicals and its employees jointly uphold. In this competition, Evergreen Chemicals employees fully demonstrated their tenacious perseverance, teamwork and persistent pursuit of healthy life. As more people join, we look forward to this healthy living concept continuing to spread, creating more active lifestyles for the future.

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